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Down The Beach

Published: Mon Nov 27, 2023

Living Water

by Kyle Sullivan, Mid Atlantic Regional Coordinator

Waves always look better down the beach right? It’s like that saying “the grass looks greener somewhere else.” 

Recently I was with my tribe of friends, at a fun break right out front. Limited on time before dark and the tide filling in, we quickly changed into our suits. Everyone stoked on the set that just came but not me. I was eyeing a spot that I had seen a couple days earlier, down the beach. 

As my friends went strait out I greedily jogged up toward this empty peeling left that was calling me. I just wanted one! As I made it out to the spot I looked down the beach where my crew was surfing and realized I was far from them, alone and then the wave went flat.

It was then that I realized my mistake! Just like in life, we are not supposed to be alone but we were made for community. My selfish desire for something that seemed better, was actually worse. I was away from my tribe, my crew, my friends, my family. Alone and nervous (it had that “shark:30” feel) I needed to go back but my pride was pulling me to stay for “just one more” or “things will get better, I just need a little more time” for the next set.

I wasted the daylight we had together and had to swallow my pride, admit to my self I was wrong, greedy, selfish. I needed to humble myself, paddle in and make my way back. What have they been thinking? What will they say?

Do you find yourself away from the community you left for “greener pastures”? Have you been proud, deceived by your desires and are now in a lonely place? Paddle back in today, walk up the beach toward God and the Christian tribe you left. God hasn’t stopped loving you and the community you know you need is back down the beach. 

James 4:6-8 tells us “But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’ Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”

It was refreshing to be back with the crew & be encouraged, comforted, safe. We all need community. Please come back down the beach. You are loved and missed. Read James 4:1-10 & reach out to a friend today. They are probably praying and waiting for your return. See also: Psalm 18:2; Proverbs 18:10; Luke 15:11-32

Image: Nate Ennis

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