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Published: Mon May 13, 2024

Living Water

by Leason Dancaescu, Gulf Coast Regional Coordinator

I recently had the privilege of helping to lead 16 young men aged 11-18 on a surf and serve to Nicaragua. It was such an amazingly impactful and encouraging time. To see these Groms chasing after the Lord, serving, and really wanting to grow deeper in their personal relationship with Christ. This will continue to encourage and give me hope for future generations of strong Christian men.

On the trip, I started noticing something though. I get it, at those ages you can be very competitive, but it seemed like EVERYTHING was some sort of competition. Every surf session was a heat with scores being called out, there were counts for the amount of wheelbarrows of asphalt taken, and even scores being thrown on the precision and technique of the wheelbarrow dump! All of this was in good fun and many laughs were had… But it got me thinking about how we value ourselves and where we place our worth.

Competition is good, it gives us a measuring point to our peers, pushes us to grow and well, it is kind of fun. I felt like the Lord was telling me something though: that our worth is as a follower of Christ not in our surfing ability or for that matter wheelbarrow dumping technique. If we place our value or view our worth based on our own ability, we will always end up falling short – Even the GOAT loses heats! If we put our worth in knowing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made as a son or daughter of our Lord and Savior, one bad session or heat loss or spilled wheelbarrow won’t shake our foundation. Let’s not judge ourselves or place our worth in things of this world but on the foundation of our lives, Jesus Christ.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Photographer: Leason Dancaescu

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