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Christian Surfers Bible: Surf A Thon

Published: Thu Apr 6, 2023

Category: National

Trip/Event Date:

Last November, Christian Surfers International put together a global Surf a Thon, to raise funds for the Surfer’s Bible. With the support from everyone from Christian Surfers United States, we were able to contribute just a little bit over $87,000 dollars to the Surfer’s Bible project, and as a total, the Surf a Thon raised just over $164,000! With each Bible costing $8, that’s around 20,500 Surfer’s Bibles in the hands of someone who hasn’t heard the gospel yet! We are beyond grateful to have had the opportunity to partner with Christian Surfers International with this event. Giving out free Bibles on our beaches that were made specifically for surfers, is going to be such an amazing tool we will have for many years to come. They will be a free resource that we will be sending out to our CS Chapters to distribute with the intention that we pass them out to surfers who haven’t yet established a relationship with Jesus. The Bibles were delivered to the US in May and officially went live in July. We can’t wait to see how God uses these Bibles to reach more surfers and individuals in the surf community!

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