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God’s Gift To Surfers

Published: Mon Sep 25, 2023

Living Water

by Larry Garrett, Hawaii Regional Coordinator

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…” Romans 1:16

It is a true statement that while we live in this world, we so often want to feel accepted, valued, and important. As Christians, we learn to get this feeling, of acceptance, from our relationship with Jesus. It is the power of the gospel that opens up our eyes to the truth and directs us into the right relationship with God. We become new creations in Christ, as He gives us the one identity that truly matters the most, we are His sons and daughters.

Today, a large population of surfers do not know Jesus. For the most part, surfers want nothing to do with Him. It’s interesting that the lifestyle of surfing has nothing to do with a relationship with Jesus. Yet, the creator of this world knew this and created our world to include surfing within His creation. As surfers, we get to see God’s creation in a way that no one on the land can understand. We not only get to see His creation, but we also get to feel the power of it as we walk on water with our boards. It is clear to most surfers, that there is power in the waves and it has to come from somewhere.

I think Paul speaks to this truth and says, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” At some point in time, people see a connection between creation and the creator. As Christian Surfers, we see surfing as a tool. We use it as a way to enjoy His creation and share the gospel with others on the water. We get to take something that most people don’t understand and make a connection that only Jesus could’ve intended to be joined for His glory. Our identity as Christians and surfers joins two worlds, that God desired to be united as he desires all of His creation to worship Him in spirit and truth.

Image by: Gracie Stack

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