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Keeping Faith In The Storm

Published: Mon Aug 19, 2024

Living Water

by Priscilla Burr

I’m new to surfing. Instead of in the ocean, you will often find me on the beach chasing kids. I started surfing later in life, and I am still getting the hang of it. Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy surfing. I just struggle to paddle into a wave. But as a mom of two toddlers, I’ve learned to embrace being on the beach and watching others catch waves. 

On a recent mission trip with Christian Surfers to Costa Rica, I found myself (once again) on the beach. This one was different than where we frequent in Florida. It was covered in dark sand, rocks and driftwood. You could see mountains at a distance and a thick forest. It was breathtaking. 

Yet, in the moment, I was more distracted by my circumstances than the beauty in front of me. It was overcast. It went from drizzling to pouring rain. I could feel sharp stones pierce my feet with every step I took. It was difficult to keep my eyes open. And my body shivered from the cool breeze. 

Struggling to look around, I noticed three black and white butterflies fluttering past me toward the opposite side of the beach. I slowly turned to watch them. Just when I thought they were the only ones, more followed. It felt like an endless amount of butterflies flying around me, heading in the same direction.  

It reminded me of life. During a storm, it can be easy to get distracted by circumstances and forget what God has called us to do. Instead of seeing the butterflies, we focus on our impaired vision and the cold creeping in. 

I think of how the disciples felt on the boat (Mark 4:35-41). Jesus was asleep when a fierce storm came, so they frantically woke Him up. After calming the storm, Jesus turns to the disciples and says, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (Mark 4:40, NIV). 

How likely are we to get frantic as a storm surrounds us? And, how much faith do we have (even when Jesus is in the boat with us)? 

I had almost let my circumstances — feeling cold, wet and tired — define what was in front of me. I almost missed the beauty of the beach; the fluttering butterflies, the sun peaking through the clouds, surfers catching waves, and my kids beaming with joy as they caught hermit crabs and rocks (or in their words “treasures”). 

Instead, I stood with my toes in the sand, choosing to thank God for His beautiful creation, remembering what He has called us to do and clinging to His promises. 

It takes strength to see past the storm. It takes focus to be vigilant. And it takes faith to trust Jesus despite what surrounds us.

Photo By: Reed Burr

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