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Sum Of All Waves, Sum Of Our Days

Published: Mon Oct 23, 2023

Living Water

by Kim Hitchcock

Sometimes gratitude is the only thing we need to change our day, our attitude, our life. God has numbered all of our days and within that, as surfers, all of our waves as well. The Bible says that God’s thoughts even outnumber the grains of sand. The next time you head out for a session, feel the sand beneath your feet and know He has thought of you right there, right then. Be grateful he has created this beach, this day and these waves for you! Pause for a moment to feel deep in your heart and soul how much He loves you!

The days of our lives are numbered before we are born and God ordained every one. I’m amazed at how we never know what’s around the corner, when our last wave or day will be. This may sound grim but it is actually filled with hope and joy! Because as Christian’s we know God’s promise that He will never leave us and He is always waiting  right there in the midst of any trial or joy we encounter. No matter where we go or what we do, he travels with us… What an epic adventure!

Because everything is numbered, let’s count our blessings and make each day, each wave all that it can be to honor God. It begins with the simple gratitude in knowing everything is a gift from Him that deserves our praise. Rejoice in every day and every wave that God Has given you! Living in this simple posture of gratitude will change your day, your surfing and your life!

Psalm 139

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, oh God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand!

Image: Emily Benedetto

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